Why do you avoid? How are you avoiding? What are you avoiding?
As I sit here, avoiding my passion, I force myself to write this:
Why do I avoid myself, and my responsibilities?
What am I so afraid of?
Why am I lazy?
What do I benefit by avoiding?
Is it in alignment with my Souls' truth?
Have I committed myself to someone else's truth?
Why do I avoid?
Wouldn't it be easier to meet everything head-on? Get it done as soon as it comes up? Never let tiny tasks build up to a huge load? Have everything perfectly organized? Always neat and tidy? Simply, be on top of all that comes up?
Then there is a third option, find a balance of both. Learn to tune into a flow that fits your life from moment to moment. Being present in your everyday activities so that you can prioritize what is most important at that time. You know when things of regular importance can wait, in order to fit in unexpected events. Your environment isn't messy, nor is it sparkling. It's organized and clean. You are flexible and taunt. There is a natural flow that you tune into. You are aligning energetically with the organic vibration/ Schumann frequency of our earth., Gaia. Hence, allowing for an open door of direct communication. Our Clair-senses being the medium, our physical, and intuitive senses.
Gaia goes through her own cycles, moon to moon, season to season, year to new year. Rather than looking at them in a linear way ( January to December), they are cycles, meaning they move and expand cyclically. Each full rotation is growing in experience, cycling out. Each expansion is carrying the knowledge of All cycles previous. We, in our own physical body, are the same. We can learn how to tap into the natural energetic flow of Gaia, and still be aware of the cultural flow.
We can use the natural flow and the tuning process that goes through our body, mind, and emotions to understand why we feel and do the things we do. We intuitively know (or listen to) if it is a time for learning, a time for doing, a time to be harvesting, and a time to hibernate within. Rather than flowing only for the whim of the demands of our environment, we balance our real needs with the demands of our outside world. This is how we learn to honor ourselves. Are we helpless OR are we just avoiding the effort it takes within to change our story and recreate our own lives?
When you start tuning in and allowing yourself to be shown/directed by your higher awareness, daily synchronicities begin to occur. Go to the water, go to the trees. They have wisdom for you if you will allow yourself to hear. Every moment is showing you exactly where you are energetically. Every moment, you are making the choice of how you perceive each experience. We can not avoid the moments we find ourselves in, but we can have some control based on; who you choose to be, what you choose to do, how you choose to think/perceive, and the actions that you choose to take.
Are we avoiding what really does serve and honor our highest potential, or are we avoiding what intuitively we know does not serve our soul? Are we sitting in an environment where we feel drained, unacknowledged, unaccomplished, and in need? Or is the environment vibrant, satisfying, creative, and abundant? Loving, kind, and compassionate? It does not matter the experience you find yourself in. It is what you choose to perceive in the experience. From what perspective are you seeing the situation? Are you able to see every person's, every animal's perspective? Can you look at it from an emotionally unattached perspective? There is a unique story from each observer. Try to see them all and then go higher to see the overall lesson/wisdom to be gained.
If you can train your mind to evaluate in this way, by removing the emotion, you start to understand why you have the experiences that you have. This empower's you to see where and how you need to make adjustments affecting you daily; thoughts, words, and actions. Enabling you to start directly molding and creating the life you want.
Why do you avoid? How are you avoiding? What are you avoiding?
Of what benefit does it bring you?
~Rainbow Phoenix