It’s time to leave the GAME, it’s time to stand up. We exist in an electric/magnetic Universe.
This means, everything we experience in our reality, “our everyday environment” is in some way an energetic resonance to us.
This means, ALL of the distortion, fear, hate, abuse, destruction, turmoil, and torment we observe in our daily lives exists ONLY because we are holding the energy within us and enabling this energy to continue.
We are our own savior. We save ourself by looking in the mirror and getting back in touch with who we are, what we are, why we came here, and what our Soul came to accomplish and experience.........
- When we chose to come and participate in this game of duality, we were choosing from a place of full DNA connection, activation, and knowing.
- When we came to participate in this game of duality, we chose to be “turned off” in order for the game to begin.
We chose to experience all potentialities of duality; good and bad, white and black, right action and wrong action, love, and absence of love……….In order for Source Energy, to expand and evolve into ever more experiences in knowing Itself.
All duality is simply a necessary experience to comprehend the vastness of ALL potential polarity. We are NOW in the moment of bringing this polarity of ALL back to the zero-point field to fine-tune and refine into perfection. Allowing us to now harvest the ultimate gifts gained and to NOW remove ALL dis-ease and distortion in preparation for the NEXT phase of our planetary evolution.
In essence, we have gone from our original, organic, 12-strand Divine Blueprint Soul Self, being totally connected to Source Energy; to being overlaid and veiled with a clouded, distorted, artificial phantom matrix programmed with the full experience of duality. This is why we have experienced pure evil and the absence of light and life force in its fullest extreme.
Full range of experience:
We went from the full embodiment of SOURCE ENERGY
To The extreme of -
An empty, clogged, distorted, diseased, energetic body, being completely closed off and void from Source Energy which created the experience of evil.
As a perfected being of SOURCE ENERGY, Source Creator, could we be totally removed from our essence and still find our way back home?
Risky game but the lessons learned, experiences had, and maximum potential expansion gained, would in benefits, far outweigh the “short term” negative effects in the INFINITE experience of the ALL.
We have both ONENESS & DUALITY within us. It is NOW the individual FREE-WILL to choose to step back into a place of full consciousness which gives/ returns access to your All Knowing, Free - Will, Divine Self
Continue in an artificially manufactured matrix of death.
Each individual MUST decide whether or not they are going to take back their MIND, VOICE, EMOTIONS, ENERGY, and DIVINE POWER.
No one can do it for YOU It starts and ends with YOU
This is about learning to perceive beyond the singular human experience. We are eternal and immortal beings. What else does one do when existing for all infinity, but have every potential experience to know Itself....
Soul, Spirit, Consciousness & Genetics
Are The New Game
~Rainbow Phoenix