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Healing & Embodiment of the Soul- and a quick outline of the Universal Laws

Writer's picture: Tori OlasonTori Olason

Updated: May 8, 2023

So much of the sacred text available is illusive, only accessible once you have had the direct experiences. My attempt is to simplify complex subjects so they can be easily innerstood and attainable for everyone.

(FYI - I choose not to use the word God, because we all have our own personal and intimate relationship with our Creator, not everyone identifies with the word God. There are many names that we as a planetary collective use to identify the One Creator. So I choose to use the word, Creator, so that each and every individual may insert the word that is most meaningful to her/himself, as this is very much a personal, private, and intimate relationship that is unique to every individual.)

If we were to imagine for a moment the Soul as a large and magnificent mirror. In the beginning a flawless reflection of Pure Source Creational Energy. A perfect individualized fractal of the Original Creation Itself. Released by Source to go forth throughout all eternity and experience everything it uniquely wants to experience and create everything it chooses to create. The ultimate goal of the Soul's individual experience is so Source is able to know and experience Itself. The conditions placed upon the Soul are few but absolute. These are the Universal Laws of Creation which are upheld by the Creator Itself. (Below I will attach these laws with a basic outline of the meaning of each law.)

When we started out at the moment of our unique inception we were all endowed with a specific purpose designed by Source. No one creation is exactly like another, no one Soul has the same purpose as another. Just like the perfection and individuality of every snowflake, blade of grass, leaf, or any other creation, we are all an “original” Creation of Source.

As we all ventured out to experience ourselves and begin our own journey of creation we had to intermingle with other souls in order to have something to “compare” or “reflect” off of to be able to learn about our individualized selves. The further out we ventured, the further from Source we went. In the beginning stages, we all knew we came from this One Source and as such treated each other with Divine respect and integrity. As time (movement) went on we started to forget our innate connection to Source and we started to perceive ourselves as individualized egoic constructs, something outside of Source.

From this experience a veil came over us, separation became the trigger for much of the traumatic and dysfunctional behaviors we are playing out today. This is what has created the original chaos and confusion leading to hate, jealousy, revenge, abandonment, rejection, betrayal, greed, torment, harm, and so forth. We have forgotten that we are all indeed intrinsically connected and as each individual we create the One Whole Creation. Adding to this and in conjunction with the Universal Laws all potential polarities had to be played out, simply stating the entirety of dualistic experience from the lightest of the light to the darkest of the dark.

This has provided us all with the full circumference of experience in which to learn, grow, expand, and know thyself. Throughout these infinite experiences, we have participated in playing many roles of varying degrees. Going back to the visualization of this magnificent mirror of each of us, this mirror (our Soul) has become broken, fractured, and distorted. The purpose and work of Soul embodiment is to repair this mirror, our Soul, by finding and restoring all of these broken and fractured pieces. We do this by diving into our moments of trauma, deep sadness, self-rejection, self-hate, and self-loathing, in order to shine the light of Creation into these dark corners of self so that we may re-integrate these essences back into our self. This is the real process of healing.

We begin this work in this physical life and incarnation. As we develop the capability to work through this life we naturally expand our work into our past life experiences. Much of what we are triggered with today, are energies that have the core roots located within other and/or multiple past incarnations. As we consciously do this work we not only assist our own Soul, we also assist all of the individual Souls with whom we have become entangled. Realizing that we are energetically entangled with every single person, animal, plant, mineral, place, and experience we have ever had contact with throughout our own existence. Our individual Soul purpose is to call back and retrieve our energy throughout all time/space and space/time. Calling back all of our individual original Soul energy to return to this Physical vessel we call a body. This also requires us to send back all of the energies that we are holding of others so they can restore their original Soul energy. As we do this work we ALL become a more harmonious vibrational frequency match to the One Original Creator. Hence, the Creation of Heaven on Earth.

What is keeping humanity lost, fractured, and broken is a disconnect from Source Energy. Most have lost the memory of how to fill ourselves up with Source Light and therefore siphon off of one another rather than connecting directly with Source. This is what has created the horrendous mess of energetic lines between all of us to become so ridiculously enmeshed and convoluted. For each human clearing their energetic connections assists the entire human, animal, plant, and mineral kingdoms, as well as Gaia Herself. One person absolutely has the ability to impact the world, this statement carries great truth.

Back to the mirror once again, imagine that your mirror, your Soul has had all of the broken, fractured, and distorted pieces restored. So your mirror is restored, clean, and bright. Now your mirror, your Soul is able to reflect out pure Source Energy to all you come into contact with. Just the reflection of your mirror alone has the capacity to open the door for all whom you come into contact with. Allowing everyone and everything around you to opportunity to remember what and where they came from, even if it is just on a subconscious level. Because the subconscious level can then begin working on the conscious levels of the individual.

Never underestimate the power of Creation nor the power of unconditional love, for these are keys that are required to enter into the Kingdom. We are here, to embody our Soul and allow the Spirit of Creation to work through us. Becoming healthy co-creators with the Creator Itself. When we allow ourselves to feel, in order to allow ourselves to heal, by forgiveness, detachment, learning, and growing through a higher perception of reality, we begin our journey home to the One Creator. These are the moments gifted right here, right now by the Creator. The Divine children are being called home.

*The Universal & Absolute Laws are:

  1. MENTAL: The Universe is Mental - Our thoughts create our state of existence and the quality of our experience

  2. CORRESPONDENCE: As Above, So Below - The macrocosm (the very large) is identical to the microcosm (the very small) where the part reflects the whole and the whole reflects the part

  3. VIBRATION: Everything Vibrates, Nothing Rests - Everything including sound, color, and matter moves and vibrates at a different rate across all 3 planes of existence, which include the mental, spiritual, and physical planes

  4. POLARITY: Everything has a Pair of Opposites - The law of opposites always manifests two opposing, dualistic sides, or two poles, and the difference between them is merely a matter of degrees

  5. RHYTHM: Everything Flows In & Out, Rises & Flows - Rhythm manifests between the two poles established by the principle of polarity, everything in the physical, mental, and spiritual plane expresses itself in a rhythm from action to reaction, activity to inactivity, an advance and a retreat, a rising and a falling, a giving and a receiving, with a to-and-from, flow and inflow, and an in and out movement

  6. CAUSE & EFFECT: Every Cause has an Effect - The Law of Karma states that nothing happens by chance or outside the Universal Laws and that every action has a reaction or consequence, what you do, say, think, and project out into the Universe are subject to the laws of cause and effect; for every action there is an equal and opposing reaction

  7. GENDER: Everything has a Feminine & Masculine Element - There is a gender manifested in everything and the feminine and masculine principles are ever present and active in all phases of phenomena, on each and every plane of life; everything and every person contains the two elements within, her or him; every female has a male element and every male has a female element

  8. CARE: Abundance Grows Where Attention Flows - The generative principle states that whatever you give your attention to helps it to grow, CARE generates your thoughts, which generates your experiences which generates your entire reality, what we care about on a day-to-day basis manifests our physical reality

~ Rainbow Phoenix


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