HEAVEN ON EARTH - Written December 25, 2021
Wouldn’t the greatest gift of ALL be the anchoring of Heaven into the Earth plane?
A gift that not only every human would be infinitely blessed with, but also a gift that every single form of life and consciousness would be blessed with. A gift so great, that it would extend to the furthest reaches of our Universe.
The re-remembrance and ultimately the willingness to expand our perception past our ego, past our immediate wants, our status, our “perceived” power, our desires, and the list goes on and on and on. To a re-remembrance that we are all intrinsically connected to absolutely every aspect, consciousness, and expression of Source Creation not only on this planetary body but throughout this Universe and still beyond. There is absolutely no separation and what we do, how we think, act, see, and feel is directly affecting every other aspect of creation.
You see, we are in these most extraordinary moments of time. We are being provided the opportunity to evolve and expand beyond anything we have ever had access to in human form. We are walking through the corridors of time and space, wrapping up infinite cycles of polarity and duality to absorb all of the lessons, purge and clear anything that is not of the highest vibration and step forward to be the first creators of our next cycle of God Source Expansion. We are the ones in human form to lay the foundation and roots of Gaia’s next cycle and the cycles within her planetary family.
In other words, we, the humans existing on Gaia in these very moments, are the ONES whom have come forth, through the grace and love of Createss Herself to bring about HEAVEN ON EARTH. The gift has been placed within us. It is both our job and responsibility to mine this gift from within, fully embody our Divine Source Light and actively bring this light forth for the greater good of ALL life, ALL consciousness on this physical plane; therefore directly impacting not only this planetary body but, the entire UNIVERSE.
Everything is finitely connected by threads of energy invisible to our eyes. It is our collective job to take these energetic threads of ourselves and remove the mats, kinks, split threads, knots, etc. And instead of a cluster of tangles and a big ball of mess, we begin to take one thread at a time. We start to pull it out so we can remove it or begin to weave an interconnected mandala blanket. One of love, compassion, unity, inspiration, and perfectly unique.
Our threads are deeply enmeshed with each other far more than we realize. Think of just the products on a store shelf from all over the world that have had to come together to create absolutely everything we need and want. One product can reach over a thousand or more hands. Every drop of water, speck of soil, rock, mineral, crystal, animal, insect, and plant is also connected to each product. Look at your home, and observe every object, how many people and “products” of Gaia’s life are in your home? Millions. Everything we do IS affecting the whole. We have to become Self Aware.
That means we become aware of how and why we are affecting everything in our outside environment. Then we consciously make our decisions based on right action. A conscious being is a sovereign being because s/he does not negatively impact or affect others' energy. We maintain a harmonious balance within our energetic threads to each other. We are energetically whole, unto ourselves. And, this is what is meant by Karma Free. You don’t magically hit a 5D button and no longer be “negatively impacted by karma”, you earn it. By mastering yourself to the point you are capable of holding your own energy without feeding off of anyone else’s. Karma IS Cause and Effect, what you energetically project out, is what will return to you. There is no judgment, it just IS.
To be energetically whole, unto yourself means you do not give or take energy. Yes, that’s right, you do not give or take energy. This is where a very deep distortion is still hiding. You are whole, energetically, and as such that gives everyone else the ability to be whole energetically as well. This is where we all maintain perfect balance and harmony. To be energetically whole is to have called all of your energy back home. You do not allow yourself to be energetically drained by anyone or anything. This is when you are IN your power and this is when you are holding, vibrationally all of your energy, YOU ARE PRESENT.
Your energy, called home and purified is your God Spark, your Divine Flame within your Heart. When you are in your Heart, you will always choose the right path. When you are IN your Heart your outside reality MUST become a vibrational resonance, because that is what you are sending out or calling forth. The high vibration and magnetism of an OPEN HEART is extraordinarily powerful and heals and/or opens the door for healing of all life within its frequency bandwidth. The door to HEAVEN is OPEN, it must be opened from the inside. This is how Source communes with you personally.
Start surrendering the ego and start using your outside reality to be a reflection IN instead of exterior judgment. Start having higher quality thoughts, think of things of value; to the whole, not just oneself. Contribute higher energy, rather than power, greed, gluttony, lust, and status. These are all examples of what we need to dig into ourselves and find the root causes. Not in others, but within yourself. All of the outer distortions we see are somehow an energetic match to something inside of us. The distortion has been either organically created (anger, fear, frustration, hate, jealousy) or artificially created - in-organic ( empty vessel, no heart, no Soul, Soulless, void of any Life Force). We must first be able to intelligently discern the 2 clearly; organic and inorganic darkness.
All Organic darkness has a positive polar opposite. Within the ONE exists all potentials. All potentials must have an opposite to exist, for some type of experience of comparison. From the first creation forward thus creating duality. Duality is black and white, good and evil, love and hate, male and female whereas polarity is day and night, summer and winter, death and rebirth. Polarity is full circle and moves in cyclical cycles both in our outside environment and equally within our inside environment. Polarity can be brought, full circle. And, when we are capable of bringing polarity full circle we enter the zero point field, where we have access to the whole grid. We gain access to the whole grid because we have done the inner work to consciously focus our energy on weaving our threads into a blanket that heals both ourselves and everyone and everything we have ever been energetically connected to.
“ One person has enough energy in their body to light up a city for a week”
-Bob Proctor
When we put the pity party away, the self absorption, discontentment, stories, drama, all of the artificial, digitally produced, media mind controlled, self-serving, power indulging, status absorption AND take a look at the big picture,self-absorption what is really going on, how you are directly impacting your environment and all conscious life within your reality; all of a sudden none of that other stuff matters. Your heart opens, you see the beauty in others, and you treat all life with respect. You think of more than just yourself and your immediate needs, you see the bigger picture.
The gift of the bigger picture is it is filled with SOLUTIONS.
As we better our own lives, it has a positive effect on everything and everyone we connect with. As we positively affect others, they in turn positively affect others; and so the light flows. This IS the energy of our Higher Self/ Soul flowing through you more abundantly. The disease in our mind and body as well as our energetic fields can be cleaned and cleared. This happens by taking full responsibility for your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual states. When we carry the illness for others we are doing them a disservice. We should be empowering them to do it for themself so that they can have their energy, enabling them to be whole. To disempower someone else is to disempower yourself, just as:
To Empower someone else IS to Empower Yourself
To Empower Yourself IS to Empower someone else
We have been conditioned to create all of these stories of lack, unworthiness, embarrassment, anger, betrayal, hate, and harm. This is not who we are, it is a manufactured mental state and it IS the disease. This is not a natural state of our healthy organic being. It is the hijacked state of multiple beings holding multiple agendas. Regardless of what it is, if it carries a vibration that drains you emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually, and if it does not carry organic life force = AI you are feeding your energy, life force, and Soul energy into a black hole.
Your Heart fully open is your magnetic/ magical/ vibrational resonance to the Heartbeat of the Divine Mother. Where we must return to go full circle/cycle. In becoming whole energetically we return to the Womb of Creation. We must bring all duality within, into balance; masculine and feminine aspects/ archetypes, shadow and light. Don’t fool yourself, darkness hides in the (artificial) light too. Always know your core intention before acting, train yourself, dive in, and dig deep. When you learn to do this for yourself, you will become skilled at reading others' core intentions simultaneously. Clean house. No one can do it for you, it’s an inside job.
You will be guided and directed with absolute precision if you just make friends with and then surrender to your Higher Self/ Soul. Always taking the moment to acknowledge and give thanks for your Divine gifts and blessings. The Universal Language must be learned, you must be awake, aware, and open to all perceptions. The Universe speaks in signs, symbols, numbers, synchronicity, planetary alignments, and many beautiful and magical ways. It is your responsibility to tune in, pay attention, learn, and keep an open mind. Always acknowledging and giving gratitude for every message and epiphany.
Do not think one path over the other is superior. Do not judge one right and another wrong. Do not judge one good and another bad. Instead of attaching to any one thing, belief, or idea allow yourself to see all perspectives, collecting the gems, treasures, and threads of truth through the stories and ideas we carry. Every experience distilled is a lesson. Every complaint, wine, poor me, I can’t go on because my story is so horrific is an excuse keeping you from your highest good. We don’t go through tragedy to stay stuck in self-pity, we go through it so we may rise, collect the lessons, and continue expanding.
Our Life’s deepest hurts force us inside. We retreat when we have nowhere else to go. This can be a big catalyst for your Higher Self to commune with you and it gives us the opportunity to heal not only ourselves but also everyone involved. As we heal ourselves we heal our bloodline and ultimately our ancestral and planetary lines. This is how we become a healthy, balanced human; working in unity with Gaia and all life.
There can be value to any suffering, it comes with the realization/ re-alkalization/ real eyes that the experience can be used to heal the whole. By having the courage to dig so deep you reach the root, the very core of the issue, and successfully replace it with innerstanding, love, compassion, empathy, and forgiveness in order to remove the vibration which fed the experience to completely transmute the “ORIGINAL CAUSE”. We remove the broken, moldy threads and replace them with bright shiny new threats of a much higher level of consciousness. A level of consciousness in full energy, full power, and with harm to none.
We have been deeply trained and conditioned to give our energy away, to anything and everything. Leaving us empty, void of life force, passion, inspiration, creativeness, vibrancy, illumination, and so forth. We are existing in these continuous dark loops because we refuse to self-reflect, step into the shoes of those who have to deal with us, and think, speak, and act with an open heart.
We feel empty, lost, fearful, and doubtful when we don’t trust ourselves, love ourselves, respect ourselves and genuinely feel worthy. So if we haven’t learned it for ourselves we can’t give it to anyone else. Stop looking outside for someone/ something to fill you and realize you are full, you just have to call your energy home. Step back into organic life. All that contains its own life force. This is where your true happiness lies. You release all that no longer serves your highest good and cultivate good habits that benefit you and all around you.
We call all of our energy home = our Higher-Self/ Soul and we expand our Heart to encompass compassion and love for All life. It is a choice. We hold our energy, and we carry an infinite supply of unconditional love of ALL creation. We embrace both our humanness and Soul, the mortal and immortal, individualized and unified aspects within. When we do this we are a high vibrational, healthy contributor to the whole of Source Creation.
When we participate in anchoring Heaven into the Earth plane it is because we have chosen to receive the greatest gift of ALL. And we have on some level realized that to be given a gift so grand it would certainly be appropriate that we remove our shoes before entering the Kingdom. We step in with Soul and a clean house. This is ALL we are being asked to be given such a grand gift.
If we are not able to be healthy for ourselves, our families, our communities, and our planet, how could we be healthy for our universe? How can we be a healthy participants in all of the Kingdoms? Ascension is upon us, we are being given full access to Christ Consciousness within, and those who shall genuinely seek shall find.
You carry the key.
Gaia is the Pearl of the Universe because she houses life forms throughout this Universe and beyond. And, she is close to a portal that gives access to traverse the Universe. As we collectively bring ourselves and then each other into a healthy balance and rhythm with all of Gaia’s life, we will then have access, once again to our Soul Families, Star Families, and all that we are connected to within the Universe. Many have and are re-remembering.
This IS our collective DESTINY.
You have the gift within YOU,
It is up to you to unwrap your PRESENT.
You have the KEY and everything you need,
Soul bare, House clean, is all your asked.
Collectively Created
Written for those with
eye to see,
ears to hear,
voice to speak,
heart to feel,
and a
Soul to Shine.
Revelation 21:
December (12) 21, 2021, Winter Solstice.....ushering in the light
The collective consciousness is growing day by day......
Our collective DESTINY is merging Heaven onto the Earth plane.
It is done within us, each and every one of us. It is the merging of the Human Soul back into perfect union with the Human Being.
As such, we are collectively creating the next "version" of HumanKind.
As the mental illness and disease of humanity is removed, healed, and transmuted we clear the pathway to literally co-create
.........to be continued, December 25, 2022
December (19) 21, 2022, Winter Solstice.......ushering in the sacred ruby red heart crystal of the original planetary matrix pertaining to the Tara aspect of her 5th-dimensional body. What a Christ-Mas gift this is. This means the completion of the planetary grid has occurred restoring the aspects of Earth (2D), Tara (5D), and Gaia (7D), and will be brought online March 20/21 2023 for the Spring Equinox.