How do you yield your sword?
Why do you yield your sword?
When do you yield your sword?
Where do you yield your sword?
Who do you yield your sword?
You are the creator of your reality. You are the author and the actor. You are your own puppet master. The question IS.....Why do you need something to fight?
The sword, carried by the Warrior. The Warrior, the protector of the people, loved, revered, worshiped, honored. Are these characteristics of Divine Createss Herself or is this just another ego game? Perhaps, society has become so lost in the game of EGO, we have forgotten how to create life.
If one were to deeply dive into society's mental, physical, emotional, sexual and spiritual conditioning, one could observe "fight" programmed into every breath of human life. This is death, not life.
The only moment we have full access to is Now; each and every now moment. The more deeply we dive into each moment provides us with the opportunity to heal our past and re-create our future. The more present we are in each moment, the more the universe opens up and communes with us: signs, symbols, numbers, feelings, music, people, conversations, books, all are ways the universe speaks to us.
We have become entranced, distracted, hypnotized and numbed by over-stimulating environments that are artificial; movies, music, tv, video games, multi-media, and the list goes on. We use these means to reflect upon our soul how life should be, could be. We are continually being bombarded by energetic pollution. First, we must recognize this is not life. It is a conditioned response to how we are supposed to view life. This is artificial conditioning.
To experience life, we must remember what real life is. Get back to the essential elements that are lying dormant within us. We are the air that we breathe, we are the water that flows through Gaia and is moved by the moon, we are the flesh of the earth we are all connected as one, we are the fire of change and movement that ignites our reason for action. We are the ether of the original source, herself. The very substance that shifts, changes, and reshapes constantly. The very material that we use to shape our lives. Sit, clear the mind and become the witness to each moment by removing emotion and looking upon our self created experiences as one piece of the whole.
Expand your vision from where you sit, to being an observer in the universe. Looking down upon our earth, a green and blue planet, the clouds shifting and flowing as the wind moves them. We are but a speck in eternity. We are moving from one incarnation to the next and existing to learn, to experience, to grow, to expand, to evolve so that the createss may experience herself. Free will provides us the opportunity to expand as we so choose. All experience is important. All experience is valid. Least we forget, we are conscious beings. This means we all have the potential to take this consciousness and use it for our own personal well being and for that of the whole. Conscious awareness allows us to step into a place of power to become a creator rather than being pushed and pulled by others' limited creation.
In each moment of now, we can pour love, forgiveness, healing, and light into our past experiences. This clears the blockages that we have created, not only for ourselves but for all involved. We have the conscious ability to observe our experiences from all perspectives and neutralize the trauma, pain, and disconnect. See the lessons gained, knowledge imparted, and wisdom created. Clear the energy and release yourself from the chains that keep you bound. - You can not be free as long as you hold another captive - No matter what the past, you have total control as to whether or not you will remain bound and trapped. It is all in the perception. Remember, bind and trap another; ill thoughts, hate, revenge, destructive action, limitation, and denial - you are infecting your own life and your ability to create what you want. What you energetically project out, you are magnetically drawing back to you.
In the moment of now, by neutralizing and releasing your past, not allowing anything that has ever happened to you affect your future, you may step into a place you didn't have access to before. Send unconditional love into all experiences and events, clear them from your energetic field. Dissolve all ties, all cords, release all from the constraints of your own energy field. Call your " WHOLE-SELF / SOUL-SELF" home energetically.
This in itself creates a ripple in time, a ripple that changes the energetics of the past events. You not only allow your energetic field to be healed and cleared; you are also providing the same opportunity for those that you held. By releasing the dark/ negative energy for all involved, you are assisting in clearing the false collective consciousness. By doing this, you shift all time. You are changing the past, so it can no longer impact your present or future. You open the doorway for others also involved to clear their energetic field. Stop and think for a moment, how many do you keep trapped by your emotions and perspective of events? Is it worth your sanity? Is it worth contaminating your future? Is it worth holding on to? Is it really what you want to keep living and experiencing?
By completely releasing your past, you directly impact your future no matter what it has held. You are opening the possibility to bring new things, experiences, and opportunities that you could never have accessed before. You open the door to become the creator of your own reality. You step into a place of power, as you are choosing what you "will" to experience by your perception of the past. You literally change the energetics of your life so you may call forth what you want. When you fill your energetic field with light, project it out towards all things, you are living within universal law, not human law. The universe is projecting back to us exactly what we are sending forth. It is time to step up and out of the illusion. We are all connected. We are all made of the same substance, and we are all a mirror of each other.
What we want to receive/ experience is what we must project. It is very simple:
Why do we want to hold on to our pain?
Why do we feed off of our trauma and heartache?
What is in us that refuses to let go?
What are we gaining from our refusal to stop reliving past events?
This can only be revealed in our present moment. Ask yourself the hard questions:
How am I benefiting from choosing to continue to relive my own torment? Why do I want to feed it?
What am I gaining?
How do my limitations feed my immediate environment?
If you want to choose your future, you must choose your perception of the past. The only place this can be done is in every present moment. You are in charge, and no one else can do this for you.
You want to be free; you must first remove the chains that you are holding to keep others bound. Universal law is you receive what you put out. Remove all chains, energetic limitations, and you will have earned your freedom. There is no other way.
Lay Down Your Sword