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Look for the calm within yourself

Writer's picture: Tori OlasonTori Olason

Updated: May 6, 2023

The Answer to Tomorrow

At this moment in time the greatest gift we can give ourselves and humanity is to heal within. The goal is to be able to observe our greatest pains, sorrows, tragedies and difficulties from a neutral perspective that allows us to dissolve and neutralize the negative feelings in order to remove our own limitations of guilt, shame and blame.

All things are done for us, not to us.

Let me start by stating that every experience we have has been in agreement with our soul. Everything that we experience must in some way be an energetic resonance to what we carry within. Our perception of events comes from our past experiences and how we view ourselves internally. In order to change the continued loop of our personal experiences we must get to the bottom of how these energetic experiences happened in the first place. By getting to the bottom we may shift our perception, clear and neutralize the energy so we can heal the energetics. This allows us to jump out of the loop by rising above it. This free’s you by clearing the energetic blocks that are created with everyone involved. Thus enabling all involved to heal as well.

We find ourselves in the moments where our collective consciousness must rise. To do this each individual has the responsibility to dive within and dig deep to uproot the distortions inside. This is not easy work as it requires an absolute rawness and vulnerability of each person. What we are witnessing in our daily environments is simply a reflection of the collective distortion that we all carry. The truth and answer is always the same, love.

The energetics of Creative Source is love, pure unconditional love. Thus everything in creation is love. When we are experiencing anything other than love, we are just experiencing varying degrees of lack of love, for ourselves and for others. In other words the more in our heart we are, the closer we are to a perfect vibrational match to source. The more we are in our mind/ego the farther we are from source. Everything in our outside world has been developed and manipulated to keep us from this knowing. Why? Because the closer a vibrational match to source we are the more powerful we are.

How is it that we have the ability to be a vibrational match to source? We are source! Source is within each and everyone of us. We are all carrying the divine spark of Creator Consciousness. Nothing can change this. The more we internalize this truth, the more we are asked to empty within us that which is not in alignment with our divine truth. We find ourselves being born into families carrying and replaying abuse and trauma. We continue generation after generation to teach what we learn. Our societies have been so manufactured and tainted by the few that were in power to keep us disempowered by keeping us looping generationally. Instead of facing ourselves and going within we have continued to view our external world as all there is. We have been very purposely programmed. It is time to throw out this distorted programming and realign with the only truth that exists. You are God source.

When digging deep and observing our dark experiences we must realize that the things others have done to harm us and/or the things that we have done to harm ourselves was unconscious. This in no way makes it ok or acceptable. However, nevertheless it’s true. When we carry hate and animosity for others it is you that is being affected. It literally creates an acidic environment within your own body and when too much of an overload of acidity is created, we see it in physical ill health. By neutralizing our experiences with love, compassion and forgiveness of self and others our physical bodies alkalize.

We are spirit in human form, period. This is where this higher innerstanding must start. We are not victims of circumstance, we have come to experience all experiences so that we may come full circle in innerstanding and return the vibration back to source energy. This is how humanity is evolving to the next stage of development. Essentially the level of consciousness that we have been in is mere toddlers in a playground throwing sticks, stones and dirt at each other. With this evolution we must re-remember the mother, divine feminine energetics and restore the knowledge that has been forgotten. We have been engrossed in a dysfunctional patriarchal system where the divine masculine energetics have been tainted with the belief of power, control, dictatorship, greed and lust. These are NOT true characteristics of the divine masculine. The divine feminine is the createss of all and the divine masculine is the partner to the divine feminine and the purpose is to protect and co-create. The divine feminine distortions have become an inability to love and acknowledge oneself. To be powerless, unheard, unworthy, an object to be used and abused by the patriarcal masculine.

So we have mothers raising children whom have not enough love for themselves trying to raise children with love. They are angry, frustrated, fearful and empty. We have fathers raising children that are fully or partially vacant, angry, frustrated and empty. So, how on earth are we supposed to be raising healthy, happy, emotionally stable children? We haven’t been. And that's why it is so important to go within and start making changes. It is now each and every person's responsibility to go into their hearts, be honest as to how they feel and fill these holes with love, self acceptance, self forgiveness and self worth.

We can do this by observing our painful moments from the perspective of all parties involved. Observing the weaknesses and limitations of all involved and re-realizing that we have all come down to this physical plane to play these roles so we can heal, learn, grow and evolve. Instead of continuing on in the cycles of shame, blame and guilt we allow these low energetics to neutralize by infusing unconditional love, compassion and forgiveness. Even when we feel this is not deserved. Why, you are harming yourself by continuing to carry these frequencies and keeping yourself trapped. In order to be free, we may not keep another bound. When we release these ties we not only heal ourselves but open the door to allow those that have harmed us to start healing energetically as well. As we heal ourselves we participate in the offering of the whole collective to heal.

We put an end to the dysfunctional loops, stop the generational trauma and open the door for a healthy today and tomorrow. What is so beautiful is this opens us up to the quantum field. By taking the time to heal our past traumas we actually change the energetics of the whole situation. This means we are shifting the actual energetics of the past, which affects the present which therefore leads us into a future free of trauma, abuse, neglect, hate and dysfunction. We have the power, we are the power and we get to choose. We choose by how we observe our experiences and the vibrational frequency of energy that we project. How do you change the world, by changing the perceptions that we carry for ourselves, others and all situations.

We have collectively given our power away for far too long, we are the creators. By returning to the sacred within our whole world outside of us has to change, it has no choice. Are we going to allow the past to dictate our future? I think not. Step up, step in. You are worthy and you are love.


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