January 5, 2021 - Merry Christmas And Happy New Year
What a year it has been. Tonight, I wish to write in honor of my son, Corbin, who chose to transcend this year at the very young age of 21 years old. His life, although too short, was filled with ancient wisdom and a level of consciousness few carry within today. In sharing some of his stories and his vision for the future, it is my hope to open up the hearts of many and share his life’s message.
It was on December 15, 1998, that Corbin literally came splashing into this world. He was born at home, with 2 incredible midwives and a doula, all with hearts of gold. He was born in the bathtub, with candlelight, orange and rosemary aromatherapy, and Enya playing at 2:15 am. Holding him and looking into his eyes for the first time, I instantly came to innerstand what love really is. A perfect creation of my own body, now a part of me that would always exist outside of me. Love at first sight, no strings attached, pure, unconditional love that carried no price tag, no expectation, and no judgment of any kind. A perfect little human and an ageless soul that chose me to be his mother.
Now, 22 years later, I am left with my memories and the gifts of consciousness he has bestowed upon me.
Corbin was a very soft and kind soul, animals loved him and would always gravitate towards him. He was deeply compassionate and very intuitively aware of how everyone around him felt. He would always take the time to be an ear, a shoulder, and an inspiration to all in his life. His dreams were huge and his vision for the freedom of humanity even greater. His greatest dream was unity consciousness, a world where such petty things as color, status, titles, country, and religion carried no form of superiority; where unconditional love, respect, safety, and abundance for all reigned supreme. Where family, friends, and community had no division. A world where we see value in each and every person and animal, where all are acknowledged and all are loved and cared for.
A world where we collectively care about our home, Gaia, and all of her inhabitants. Where the abuse and torment of our every sustenance, mineral, plant, animal, and human stopped. A planetary home where our minds were not filled with fear, anger, greed, jealousy, hate, and revenge; rather, our hearts became the conscious master in truth, wisdom, equality, patience, acceptance, and reverence for all forms of life. A place of peace, balance, and harmony for all.
Each individual fully comprehends the power of their own body, thoughts, and words. The innerstanding that all dis-ease, illness and pain come from undealt with inner trauma that we have simply ignored and refused to heal. The collective humanity realizes that our health is an inside job. Our bodies are incredible gifts of creation. Complex systems that science has still not come close to fully understan,ding. To beLIEve that something outside of us is more powerful than within us is naive, and discredits your body's incredible healing abilities. To infect and poison our bodies in the name of health is insanity.
A world where problems become win-win-win solutions for all involved. Competition need not exist. If one must lose so that another can win; it is nothing other than an illusion that anything was won. Unity consciousness means we are all interconnected, we are all one. Each individual is a self-expression of the whole. To harm another is to harm oneself. To harm oneself is to harm another. Really quite simple. There is no separation except that which we perceive. If we need to perceive separation, we must ask ourselves what we feel is lacking on the inside rather than project it out toward each other. Do I feel scared, small, weak, helpless, insignificant, unheard, unvalued? How can I change these feelings? First, by being brave enough to acknowledge these feelings. Then ask yourself, from where do these feelings come from? Instead of blaming others and situations for the root of these feelings, change your perception to; “Maybe these experiences came as lessons so that I could learn more about myself and step onto the path of merging consciously with my soul” To merge consciously with your soul is to step into unity consciousness.
When Corbin was 17 years old he began reading Osho, The Book of Secrets. A 1300+ page book on human consciousness. He then spent the summer camping with his friends reading and discussing very in-depth and complex ideas on humanity. It changed his perception which changed his life. The more he learned, the more he shared. Opening the mind, eyes, and hearts of many around him. He realized that he was both mortal and immortal at the same time. He also realized that we all embody both the divine feminine and divine masculine. Rather than pitting the two against each other, it was our job to find balance, embrace all aspects of ourselves. No one aspect carries more value than the other. To become whole is to become androgynous. Each human is a complete unit within themselves. If we could just collectively accept and embrace both aspects of ourselves we could very quickly evolve as a whole race, as a whole planet.
Why would I write such words? Because this is Christmas, and Christmas represents Christ-Consciousness. Corbin was well on his way to embodying Christ-Consciousness. Innerstanding that it was never a destination, but rather a continuous journey ever spiraling in. Young, still had so much to learn, experience, and do; this was his goal. To participate in creating a world that is peaceful, joyous, filled with unconditional love, understanding for each other, accepting of others, forgiving, sincere, meaningful, hopeful, harmonious, and creative. A world where every human can be proud of themselves and feel an important part of the whole. A world of higher consciousness and a much deeper connection and understanding of life. All life.
Those that knew Corbin well, know this IS what he stood for. Now, he stands on the other side of the veil, unveiled as an angel to watch over, guide, and help each one of us. There is no greater ali that we could ask for. An old soul, here for a short time to teach and etch his light deep into the hearts of those whom he touched.
Corbin had a huge impact on many, and I am eternally grateful to call him my son.
Your light will always burn bright Corbin.
Your lessons are imprinted into the fabric of time.
Love YOU for all Eternity
Merry Christ-Consciousness, may humanity awaken quickly and easily.
~Rainbow Phoenix