Bringing a few pieces together:
We are here in this time, functioning in these physical bodies to learn how to master our own energy. It would be impossible to master our energy without first innerstanding how we use our energy. From the concepts outlined in the last few weeks of posts, we have established that each and every person on this planet has their own storehouse of life force energy within. This energy connects us to Source Energy and is interconnected throughout humanity and all conscious life on this planet. Through a clear, healthy connection with this energy, we may tap into the All-Knowing field of consciousness. Providing access to space/time coordinates and our higher abilities which are our divine birthright.
The more energetic “charge” we carry, the more we may access. The higher our vibration, the more expanded we become. Everything we do affects the whole. This is where one of the biggest hijacks has occurred on this planet. First, keeping this basic information from the masses and second, controlling and restricting the flow of our collective energy through our own blind ignorance.
Energy must flow, if it becomes stagnant or blocked, issues arise. Namely in a myriad of mental, emotional, and health issues. Energy can also become trapped in time/space, so we have to learn how to find and retrieve these energy pockets also called Soul fractals. We learn how to bring our life force back into ourselves in healthy ways through mining our own Akashic records.
When we begin mining our Akashic records, our own motherboard starts to get cleaned up. The energetic connections become free-flowing and of a higher vibration. Thus, reducing the resistance in our energetic field. Clearing stagnant energy and removing weak, toxic, or poisonous energetic connections. Returning the energy we are holding of others and taking back our energy that was frivolously and unknowingly given away.
As we clear our energetic connections we function from a higher level of consciousness within the collective field of consciousness. This opens doors to higher dimensions of information. When we access higher dimensions of information we consciously “light up” our inner knowing of our connection to the larger motherboards. The purpose is to continue cleaning and clearing our energetic connections now for our bloodline and ancestral line. As we move further the work goes into the planetary motherboard consisting of all life on this planet. Expanding from there into the Galactic motherboard and so forth.
With the larger motherboards being activated within us, we also get to mine the larger Akashic Libraries. This is where it gets really fun because these are the steps to move into multidimensionality. We can access multiple dimensions of reality, and learn how the Universe really works, we learn the Universal language by becoming educated in numerology, sacred geometry, astrology, alchemy, quantum physics, signs, and symbols. We connect with our Star Families and Inner Earth Families. The information that we receive is so we can again, clean and clear these energetic connections.
We are literally weaving back in a coherent manner our energetic connections with Source. Our Creator Mother, returning to the Womb of Creation as a clear energetic conduit. There are many spiritual initiations along the way. We are tested for our purity in a thousand-and-one ways. There will be trials and tribulations, as we walk the sands of time. There are gatekeepers who will challenge our integrity and authenticity. You will feel deeply and have very profound experiences.
This is the most magnificent journey you will ever take. Collecting keys, codes, and coordinates as you go. Mining your precious gems of knowledge & wisdom along the way.
Working through this process we can re-establish our authentic energetic connection with Source Energy. This activates or fires up our DNA. We do it by removing what is false and distorted. We don’t have to become something or someone else, we have to uncover the layers to get back to the essence of who and what we are. In doing so we clean house, IN-side and make room to embody the Soul.
The Soul is magnificent and will guide you in the perfect way. The Soul will take you on adventures beyond your wildest imagination. When we embody the Soul we become HUman. Spirit in man, Soul Embodiment.
~Rainbow Phoenix