"When we begin to contemplate concepts and ideas bigger than our "normal" everyday 3d reality we then begin to open ourselves up to higher levels of consciousness. When we begin to expand our consciousness we then begin to get access to higher levels of information.
Intelligent and deep contemplation is required. We need to teach our minds to think big, think outside the box, and think of more than what is visibly in front of us. A few ideas which are critical concepts of contemplation to raise consciousness are:
What is the Soul?
What is Spirit?
How does Spirit interact with the Soul?
What is consciousness, and what does it mean?
Where does consciousness come from?
How do the Soul, Spirit, and Consciousness interact?
Observe intelligent creation, in a rock or crystal, a plant, or an animal.
Observe the elements fire, water, air, and earth, and how they are also within you.
Observe to movement and flow of time.
What speeds time up?
What slows time down?
What created you?
Why were you created?
What is the relationship between you and the one which created you?
"Expand the mind and the awareness and reality must change, we change our world through our elevation of consciousness.”
~Rainbow Phoenix