I invite you to step into your heart.
What does the word community mean to you?
Would it be a place where people came together so everyone could thrive?
A place where everyone contributes their own unique skills and knowledge to the whole collective?
A place where everyone is a healthy, seen, heard, and acknowledged part of the whole?
A place where our children flourish and our elders are honored and respected?
A place where we have the opportunity to learn a wide range of skills and wisdom from others while sharing our own.
A community is not just an idea, it is a collectively chosen way of life. One based in a community has no need for hierarchy, simply the innerstanding that everyone is important, everyone has something of value to contribute.
Our society is diseased and people think they are broken because they feel unloved, unworthy, and unvalued. There is a saying:
“if one person is not well in the community, it is not a reflection of the one, it is the reflection of the whole”.
Our world, as we have known it, has been systematically created and manipulated to keep us in lack, suffering, alone, empty, ill, and the list goes on. Why? Because we are easy to control, distract, and dictate to. Our personal energy, resources, and every life form on this planet have been at the mercy of a few. This house of cards has fallen, and the pieces are everywhere. It is time to create the new.
Trying to band-aid an old system is futile and useless. Trying to work within a system that has no honor for life is insanity. Collectively we have the ability to come together to change, purge and clear all that has been working towards the destruction of all life. We are in the most incredible moments.
As the house of cards falls, let it. Step aside, step away. It is not our circus.
Our collective Destiny is to become Conscious. Becoming conscious of how we affect everyone and everything, all life around us. Our Destiny is to create a New World, where there is respect, individuality, humility, compassion, empathy, creativity, ingenuity, that works in balance and harmony with all of Gaia’s needs.
We are being given the opportunity to come together to co-create new paradigms and new social structures. Coming from a level of consciousness that reaches deep into the solutions needed for Gaia and all of her inhabitants. One of unity, oneness, and Respect for All Life.
We are in moments of great change and enormous opportunity. This corridor of opportunity will only be available for so long.
We have 2 choices right now:
1) Step up, create the change, become the change, and collectively move forward for the greater good of each other and all.
2) Continue to bury our heads in the sand, do nothing, think that someone/ something is going to come, and miraculously save us while we actively do nothing in the face of our own demise.
We are no longer bound by the criminal, corrupt, demonic, artificial systems that have controlled every aspect of our lives and minds. These broken systems are crumbling and the truth is being revealed for all to see.
We are now in a position, to come together, bring about our individual knowledge, skills, resources, and wisdom to start co-creating the new paradigm, new world, where the main focus is truth, accountability, responsibility, transparency, and genuine well being for all of the people within the community, surrounding communities and expanding out from there.
We are being asked, in these moments, to rapidly evolve for the greater good of humanity and all life. Only the projects and people coming together for the greater causes will succeed. In these pinnacle times, we are all being given the choice.
What is your choice going to be?
What kind of a future do you want to participate in?
How do you see yourself succeeding and giving back?
Do you want to be a part of something bigger than yourself?
What would the ideal community look like to you?
The future is about being self-sustaining, working in harmony with nature, creating without harm, taking without depleting, and giving without hidden intention.
When conscious people come together, share their energy, ideas, hopes, dreams, skills, and talents anything is possible.
If you would like to be a part of the change, work towards something greater than yourself, heal a world in chaos, take back your power and energy; and redirect it in ways that benefit all, then YOU are one of the conscious people that will be a part of the future creation.
Let's come together, meet at the round table and be a part of the magic that is about to unfold in front of our eyes.
This IS the order of the NEW DAY, and as such, I invite you to become a participant, contributor, and pioneer of the next phase in human evolution.