Every aspect of our reality; every thought, every action, every reaction has been progressively programmed through the means of television, movies, media, corporate structures, and the like.
The way we believe we should live, what we should consume, and how we interact and view each other have all been idealized to place us into one big box.
Uniqueness and individuality are suppressed and instead, we find ourselves trying to fit into a box through a cookie-cutter mold of what is socially acceptable and what is not. Instead of taking a deeper look at this box of limitation and questioning its authenticity and sustainability, we step into fear, hate, rejection, shame, blame, guilt, betrayal, and other low vibrational ways of thinking and behaving, believing we are mere victims with no other alternatives.
Within this box, is the most intricate maze, with layer upon layer upon layer of lies, corruption, and criminal behavior. This box has been designed to keep wo/man trapped in the loops of sabotage and never provide a way of escape. Ahhhh, and the greatest fear of the few, is the collective realization that there is in fact no box.
The maze is the illusion to keep us focused on the lower mental and emotional planes so we keep believing in the box. As long as we believe in the box, we will continue to co-create the box. Thus keeping us attached energetically to all of the cords of dysfunction within it.
~Rainbow Phoenix