“It is better to die than be treated by a physician ignorant of the science of medicine. Because, like a blind person groping in darkness without direction or a sail-less boat being driven by the wind, a quack treats his patients without any clue of the consequences of the treatment. By sheer accident, such a quack may cure a few people who would otherwise also have got over the ailment by the law of nature; but he is likely to kill hundreds of patients who would have survived if treated properly.”
~Charak Samhita, Sutra Sthana 9:16-17
We have been trained to blindly accept what the “doctor” prescribes, no matter how toxic or life-threatening the poison or treatment is. With no awareness of our own part played in the illness nor realization/ real eyes that this is occurring because our mind, body, and or Soul is out of alignment. Rather than diving inside to do the required self-analysis of one's own thoughts, words, actions, and reactions we falsely believe it is easier to reach for a bottle or knife. Giving all responsibility and accountability away through an illusion of no self-authority.
There is no disease without a reason.
One is required to look within for the originating source of dis-ease. Dis-ease is a result and consequence of living an unrighteous life, and or unclean thoughts and projections towards others. What we send out into the world, must return. Each person on her/is own must do the Soul work required to get to the root cause of the dis-ease so that the dis-ease may be plucked out at the root. Removing and healing the original cause. When this work is accomplished the individual will continue on with a life of happiness, health, and well-being.
A healer is not a person to do the work for the dis-eased individual, a healer simply helps to see the path, the way towards absolute truth so that the individual may step fully into her/his own Divine Power. A healer is one whom has walked the path and may therefore see what others can not yet see.
The physical, materialized plane is the densest and only produces what has already been created in the energetic and unseen planes. To restore health, one must walk backward the path of how the illness unfolded and started, so one may course correct and thus change her/is future outcome. All have been perfectly designed and created for optimum health and wellness. There is no flaw in the original design. The only flaw is the dis-beLIEf of the original design.
Gaia, our forgotten and most gracious earthly mother, provides absolutely everything necessary for the full restoration of every individual on this planet. May we collectively begin to acknowledge and treat her accordingly.
~Rainbow Phoenix