It is time to put our differences aside and realize we are all functioning in the same book, Gaia's book. We all want a home to go to, a safe place to live. Access to clean water and untampered food. Clean air to breathe and the right to be in total control of our own minds and bodies. It is time to stand together and support each and everyone's right to be free, healthy, and abundant. To trade amongst each other with no hand in the pot draining us from every side. An end to continuously pushed rules and “laws” that have no other purpose than to suppress us and deprive us of our God/Gaia-given rights of being born on this planet.
We are not a collection of separated land masses, we are a collective of the Earth. What happens on every corner of this planet is affected by us and impacts us all. We are all neighbors and family, whether we choose to see it this way or not. There is no separation in humanity unless we allow ourselves to believe so. We all bleed the same color, feel the same emotions and carry the same basic needs. We are not separate from each other, we are all connected by the invisible threads of time.
A higher perspective is now needed more than at any other point in humanity. A level of consciousness that allows our hearts/intuition to run the show rather than our mind/ego. The mind/ego is only capable of acting from what it has already known and experienced. Our heart/intuition opens us up to a higher source of knowledge. It gives us the ability to see, feel and therefore act from a place of compassion for all people, all life. Our minds have been very specifically manipulated and trained to believe a very narrow and limited version of what is really possible. Our hearts open doors to possibilities and solutions that can change our world for the betterment of the whole.
It is time to think for ourselves. It is time to learn how to truly observe our environments, both personal and planetary, and make rational conclusions rather than just listening to and blindly following a script that has been written in order to take your every freedom away from you. To allow such fear to trickle into your mind that would create fear of your very own family and neighbors is nothing other than emotional traumatic warfare. It is time to start taking responsibility for your own thoughts, observations, and education into the “truth” and the ability to discern fact from bullshit is critical to our collective survival and our ability to move forward to make changes that improve our world as a whole.
Time to wake up, rise and shine and start putting your energy and efforts into everything organic and life-sustaining. Removing our energy from all that drains and destroys our individual and collective life force and which is just feeding a system of death. For the collective to evolve we must be able to recognize the difference and learn how to master our mind and heart connection/bridge to put a stop to this human extinction path that the powers that have been have tried so hard to put us on. It is our choice, individual and collective, to choose life, and work towards what is best for all. Everyone is important, everyone has value and everyone deserves to be treated with respect. Be the example, be conscious, and put your energy where it is of most value…..if not now, When???
~Rainbow Phoenix