Everything is energy, our entire collective of all minerals, rocks, plants, trees, insects, animals, sea life, human, word, thought, and emotion as well as Gaia herself. Together, collectively we carry one united vibration, together we create one song.
Our past collective song has been one of pain, sorrow, trauma, torment, anger, hate, jealousy, victimhood, greed, lust, shame, blame, guilt, and the list goes on…
Our collective “mission” song IS love, peace, harmony, balance, compassion, inspiration, thoughtfulness, and mindfulness.
If we could just agree to see the beauty in each other, the beauty in all life. Would it really take any more effort than seeing all the things that are wrong?
We all get to choose what song we sing.
When we start to vibrate to a higher song, our bodies start going through energetic shifts, known as DNA activations.
This often shows itself as purging, to begin with. We are being asked to start getting to the bottom of what needs to be released so we no longer hold it in our energetic field. It is a process of clearing negative energies from your vessel, your physical body, and energy fields so that your vibration may rise.
When you raise your vibration everything around you literally becomes more vibrant. You become more vibrant because you are releasing the very things that keep you dull, heavy, and dense.
Your DNA starts, “cleaning house”. The low vibrational feelings, emotions, and energies need to be seen, heard, acknowledged, loved, forgiven, and released. Releasing yourself from these energy drains and also releasing those that you drain energy from. Replacing this energy drain with love, compassion, and empathy.
This is the inner work, shadow work and we are all responsible for our own “soul work”. We can have guidance, help, and assistance along the way, at the end of the day we are responsible for ourselves. This is what it is to be sovereign. To take full responsibility and accountability for every experience we have. To own it all means we can change our experience. First, we need to innerstand how we got to where we are.
This is the evolution of the human. To go from a 3 DNA strand functioning human to a 12 DNA strand functioning human. This is a process of ever-expanding experiences. It is an emptying of all that you are not so you can access all of your energy, becoming whole.
Your Soul merges more and more into your physical vessel, your body. This is ascension. We are ascending into a more organic and whole state. The state of “wholeness” is a closer vibrational match to Source Creator Energy. We are returning to the Song of the creator.
This is providing us the opportunity and capabilities to do things we have only dreamt of until now.
Telepathy, telekinesis, levitation, bi-location, multi-location, remote viewing, teleportation….it’s infinite.
As we reactivate our DNA, having more and more direct contact with our higher self, Soul we start energetically expanding out; ancestral, planetary, galactic, and cosmically.
Our DNA reactivates strand by strand because we have chosen to perceive our reality differently. Rather,
We are not one individual unit being affected by our exterior environment……
We are one individual unit carrying the whole within us in holographic form inside our DNA.
In other words, we are intimately connected to all that IS, all that the Prime Creator has created, there is no separation, we are all parts of the whole, the ONE.
When we master our minds, mental, ego; with the help of our DNA being reactivated and returned to its original blueprint, we get access to our Soul Knowing, the All-Knowing energy fields of Self.
This is earned, do not fear yourself. You and only you can do this work. The universe will bring many blessings, people, places, and experiences to guide you along the way. Being astute, you will notice how the universe always gives you exactly what you need in the very moment you need it.
Have you ever thought deeply of how many things the universe has had to transpire in order to make one moment perfect?
It’s incredible!
Instead of being in fear and looking at the dark side/ old paradigms realize/ re-alkalize/ real eyes that this is what you are choosing because this is your choice of perception.
Beauty can be found in everything, how do you choose to perceive your environment?
Find the beauty within, so you can see the beauty without.
We are here to balance duality, see every perspective and bring it full circle within our vessel. To do this we must evaluate all aspects of duality within ourselves. This is a stepping up, a stepping in, so we may collectively restore peace, abundance, and harmony for all humanity, all life.
When we restore the balance within, your exterior reality must change to reflect what you are energetically projecting out. This is your power and it starts with self-love, self-worth, trust, and accountability of self and the decision for a better life, a better world.
The greatest illusion is that the exterior world has more power than your interior world. Yet, hidden from you is the truth; it is your interior world that is creating your exterior world.
Time to take your power back!