It is impossible to truly explain the experience of a Quantum Hypnosis session, as it must be experienced to be truly innerstood.
- Quantum Hypnosis Regression -
It is so profoundly deep, personal and intimate. Each and every session/experience will be different. You have open access to journey through the entire Cosmos of Creation, through all time and space.
- Past, Present & Future -
The process unfolds exactly as the Higher Self of the individual chooses to best facilitate the healing and release of what no longer serves. The Higher Self knows exactly what needs to be done and how to unfold the journey in a way that feels like pure magic, compassion and love. The Higher Self is the Soul, the infinite aspect of Self that is animating your physical body. The aspect of you that always has been and always will be. It is the Source Energy within that carries all of your experiences, wisdom, lessons, expansion and full knowledge of the Divine Source Plan.
When viewed from Source perspective, we are all One. We are intimately interconnected and woven together to allow for each and every possible experience to play out. Each of us taking our turns playing out all potential roles so that our Soul’s may continue to grow and expand so that Source may experience Itself. This may also be referred to as stepping into the quantum realm. With this comes the realization that we are far greater and grander than we have ever been allowed to believe. We are not this tiny human, having no other purpose than to be born, suffer, struggle, make money and die. We are the Creators of our own reality, and when we are able to grasp this concept, our entire reality will change.
Realizing/re-alkalizing/real eyes that the stories and labels we carry are not who or what we are. Taking very painful experiences and memories to a higher plane to be viewed and let-go. Filling all holes, gaps and emptiness with pure Source unconditional love and higher knowledge (light).
This experience instantly removes limitations, for you get to see and experience yourself as limitless.
It is a remembrance of how it feels when perfectly aligned with your Soul. How to access your innate information and how to listen and trust in yourself. This is a process of syncing back into alignment, activating the dormant DNA, removing the blockages that keep you trapped in karmic loops, seeing the Higher Self of those who have harmed you, clearing both family and ancestral trauma. Calling the Self home into fullness once more. Reaching down to the core of the roots of our own rotten fruits and removing them permanently. So we may replace them with the fruits that will create an abundant harvest for yourself, all life, all consciousness. Returning back to the unified organic blueprint in which we were created and designed. This is a stepping up, a conscious shift in evolution, a returning to our Divine Selves and the foundation of the next step in humanity, an inter-galactic community where all thrive.