All healing must go through the "mother" aspect within each of us. This is the core of all healing and the cycle to which we must return.
The Divine Feminine is the source of creation; it is the feminine that carries the quantum codes in which life springs. The feminine energy is soft, open, instinctual, and receptive. It is passive energy, allowing life to flow, one moment to the next. It is the beginning of creation, and we cannot heal ourselves or our world without returning to the essence of what we are.
The tides are turning, and we have reached the point of pure destruction. Run and ruled by an oppressive patriarchal society. One that has long feared the return of the divine feminine. Much knowledge has been destroyed and removed from our consciousness through false programming and belief structures. Woman have been removed from most sacred text, science, governmental structures, agriculture, and medicine. We are witness to this oppression in every way, shape, and form on our planet today. We are witness to the proof that ignoring our feminine birthright will end humanity as it was meant to be.
Each woman is tasked with the inner work to restore what has been taken and hidden from her. As each individual woman heals the aspects within herself that are dysfunctional, we create an opening inside ourselves to allow more light to flow through us; light equals information. As each woman honors her truth, her boundaries, her mind, her body, and her heart; a process of reprogramming the subconscious takes place. We begin to tap back into our "original blueprint." It is from this place that we can take back our power and operate from a higher perspective of Divine Love. Our direct connection to source, our direct contact to infinite knowledge.
To begin, we must take full responsibility for ourselves, our thoughts, our words, our actions, our behavior; all we have allowed, and all we choose to participate within. Blame, shame, and guilt are all cultural constructs that have served as nothing other than to deplete our power and are the chains that keep us tied down. They are low energy feelings that keep us running in an endless loop, one that we can not see how to jump out of. It stops the divine flow from entering us and blocks us from our Divine truth.
First, we must heal our pains, traumas, and torments. When we do this, it opens us up to have the ability to heal our family and ancestral lines. Every time we heal something within, it also echoes out and opens the door to heal all that were involved. As this happens, we start to participate in a collective healing process, one that has enormous and significant power for the whole. Each person we release, we free ourselves, link by link.
Why would we want to release some from the hideous crimes committed? Staying connected to the trauma prevents you from moving forward. It is time to look for a higher perspective, more profound truth, and the lessons of wisdom that may be harvested from every experience. Put away the bad and good, dark and light, negative and positive polarities. Embrace all and find the zero point, balance, and harmony between the two. See how each experience was divinely created by you, so that you may learn and evolve.
What we are experiencing today is Karmic related, both from this life and all of our lives combined. As divine creators, we are responsible for everything we create. Karma is a Divine Law; there is no escaping it. Karma is likened to a boomerang, everything you send out energetically must return to its creator. We tend to see this Law as something to fear. In actuality, it is probably our greatest blessing. It is this very Law that allows us, in human form, the ability to return to our source. In other words, to Ascend, to evolve into a higher conscious being. The process of uncovering our blockages and utilizing the wisdom from each experience highlights the path work necessary to neutralize our self created karma. It is providing us the tools to consciously stop recreating karma, thus choosing to come from our heart. When we are centered in our hearts, our intention is of pure intent, and we do not harm; we no longer create negative karma. We then become empowered creators, fully conscious and therefore in control of all energies we project out.
We are energetic beings, here to experience in a material world. Every person must deal with an internal conflict, one which is impossible to dismiss. Our bodies are organic material that dies, making us mortal beings. Or soul, our energetic signature is immortal; it merely moves from one form to another. It also exists in multiple places simultaneously, present in many realities and dimensions throughout time. Our very bodies exist in two different realities; one significantly limited by our material world and one with no limits, omnipresent, the God/dess spark within. Infinite potential is all it knows.
The process of cleaning and clearing our "house" sets into motion our ability to tap into Divine knowledge, which we could not access before. As each of us opens these doorways of higher consciousness, we start infusing our collective fields with this knowledge as well. As we tap into the collective fields, the information becomes readily available for all whom are at a vibrational match. The more people capable of accessing these higher fields of consciousness, the more balance and harmony will be infused into our material reality.
It is the Divine Feminine energy needed now more than ever. All healing must go through the "mother" aspect within each of us. This is the core of all healing and the cycle to which we must return. Now, we must again remember the old teachings, step back into our truth, and take back our power. Diving inside, reigniting the immortal spark within, the spark that knows all; we have the potential to reshape our world back into a place of love, respect, and honor for all life.
The time is NOW!
~Rainbow Phoenix