Quantum Hypnosis Healing & Regression
This is an incredibly deep and transformative process. Releasing trauma, blockages, and limitations
Service Description
Quantum Hypnosis is an amazing experience that can instantaneously show you just how grand and magnificent you really are. You are not and never have been a limited human being. You are a Divine aspect of Creation, a Soul that has taken on form in a human body to experience the physical material world. You are a master of energy who has come to this plane to first forget, so you could remember and then step fully into your truth and power. The Soul is a fractal of Pure Source Creator Energy which means; you, in your physical human body, through your DNA are carrying infinite knowledge within the Universe. You may have lived on other planets, been in multiple forms of conscious life, and are a library of information and knowledge unto yourself. To step into this innerstanding is to step into a multidimensional awareness. This innerstanding comes from direct experience, it is not learned or studied. Quantum hypnosis opens this door nice and wide for direct experience with your own infinite Self. This is part of the Ascension process, the human re-remembering who and what you really are. The power of a quantum hypnosis session is that it opens up and removes resistance between you and your Higher Self/Soul, cleaning and clearing the energetic lines. Your Higher Self/Soul steps in and directs the session. Your Higher Self/Soul is carrying the records of every thought, word, action, reaction, feeling, emotion, experience, and location you have ever had or been to through all time and space. So it knows exactly what needs to be healed, when the root cause started, what caused it, and how to release it. Your Higher Self/Soul knows All; past, present and future. The work that can be done from this zero-point field is rewriting everything we have been told and taught about our past and about who and what we really are. As we step back into past events to heal and release them we are creating a ripple effect through time and space that is infusing our collective field with love, compassion, peace, and forgiveness. We are also able to go into the family line and ancestral lines to heal and release mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, and sexual trauma. This work is also removing the veil of the unknown around death, enabling us to reconnect with our loved ones whom have passed over. Allowing you to see, speak with, touch, hug, and fully experience them in the immediate moment. Bringing inner peace to situations otherwise thought impossible.
Contact Details
Lumby, BC, Canada