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My Services


Offering one on one guidance to dive deeply into any area of life and relationship that seems to be limiting and/ or blocking your progress. Pinpointing the root of what keeps you seemingly trapped in a continuous loop of events and experiences. 


Providing simple, practical, and tangible steps that can be easily implemented. Wisdom on how to step into your sovereignty and claim back your power. Innerstanding where you are on your journey and how to surrender even further to the process. 


Higher perspectives, tools, and techniques to release what needs to be released, so that you may learn how to clean and clear your energetic bodies, thus having more control over your reality. The process of Ascension is the embodiment of your Higher Self/ Soul. It is the anchoring of your multidimensional aspects and accessing your Infinite, All-Knowing Source Self. 


Learn how to unplug yourself from an artificial, inverted, inorganic matrix created to siphon and utilize your energy for malicious and sinister means. Returning to your divine organic blueprint, opening up infinite doors of opportunity and potential. Recognizing and reconnecting with your highest self to balance and harmonize within.


I am here to listen and share my knowledge. Teaching you how to call yourself home completely; returning and restoring your energy, removing the chains and burdens that have been placed upon you, and therefore helping you release the chains you are carrying for others. 


Everything is interconnected and everything carries many perceptions and purposes. My goal is to open the door wide for you to perceive your greatest potential and realize your abilities and worthiness. I am here as a student and teacher, raw and real, to provide illumination to your path. I can not do the work for you, however, I can provide many skills and knowledge for you along the way. I am here, with an open, unconditional, compassionate heart to be of service to all conscious life. Paving the foundation of the world in which we collectively choose to create.  


                                                          "Forget the Maze, Remove the Box"



 $100 for a 2 hour session





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spa stones

Reiki is a powerful form of energy healing originating in Japan. It is a process of activating and calling down Universal Life-Force Energy through the crown chakra, down into the heart and out the palms of the hands. Utilizing Life Force energy to re-activate your original template of health and well-being


The Pranic Reiki I offer is to clean, clear, balance, and harmonize the chakra system and energy bodies. Removing negative energy, blockages, and entity attachments from the auric field. I specifically call in your Higher Self and create a direct link of communication with your Soul to be of greatest service to you. I then surround you in a sphere of pure source light to protect and shield you during and after your session. Divine ancient alchemical symbols are then used to activate the chakras and dormant DNA within the body. The Soul steps in to assist ensuring you receive the perfect healing needed for you and to facilitate the whole process.


This is a multidimensional experience and healing. The high vibrational energies that your Higher Self/Soul bring to this session makes it possible to heal and access all times and space. Enabling us to remove many energetic interference's, attachments, cords, implants, hooks, contracts, vows, curses, and black magic. Calling home Soul fragments and neutralizing trauma points. This is the beginning stage of the Quantum Hypnosis Regression work I do. Activating the body, getting the conversation going with the DNA, and letting your Higher Self know you are ready to release what no longer serves you so that you may step into your next stage of growth. When your vibrational frequency rises every cell in your body knows and starts a process of regeneration. The body will naturally release and purge what it can, so that it may maintain a higher frequency.


This is a beautiful and relaxing experience; crystals, aromatherapy, music, candlelight, and a guided healing meditation may also be incorporated. Any and all are available for your customized session. This is a time and space to begin tuning into you. Colors, shapes, images, sensations may be experienced during your session. Pranic Reiki is a wonderful gift to yourself and for loved ones. I create a very sacred space for you to release the pain and trauma that has been held inside for too long. You are safe, protected, and in good hands.


*Drink fresh, clean, alkalized water before and after every session



$100 for a Pranic Reiki Energy Healing session






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Quantum Hypnosis Healing

“This is a healing modality that is truly infinite and limitless.” 


Quantum Hypnosis is an amazing experience that can instantaneously show you just how grand and magnificent you really are. You are not and never have been a limited human being. You are a Divine aspect of Creation, a Soul that has taken on form in a human body to experience the physical material world. You are a master of energy who has come to this plane to first forget, so you could remember and then step fully into your truth and power. 


The Soul is a fractal of Pure Source Creator Energy which means; you, in your physical human body, through your DNA are carrying infinite knowledge within the Universe. You may have lived on other planets, been in multiple forms of conscious life, and are a library of information and knowledge unto yourself. To step into this innerstanding is to step into a multidimensional awareness. This innerstanding comes from direct experience, it is not learned or studied. Quantum hypnosis opens this door nice and wide for direct experience with your own infinite Self. 


This is part of the Ascension process, the human re-remembering who and what you really are. The power of a quantum hypnosis session is that it opens up and removes resistance between you and your Higher Self/Soul, cleaning and clearing the energetic lines. Your Higher Self/Soul steps in and directs the session. Your Higher Self/Soul is carrying the records of every thought, word, action, reaction, feeling, emotion, experience, and location you have ever had or been to through all time and space. So it knows exactly what needs to be healed, when the root cause started, what caused it, and how to release it. Your Higher Self/Soul knows All; past, present and future. 


The work that can be done from this zero-point field is rewriting everything we have been told and taught about our past and about who and what we really are. As we step back into past events to heal and release them we are creating a ripple effect through time and space that is infusing our collective field with love, compassion, peace, and forgiveness. We are also able to go into the family line and ancestral lines to heal and release mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, and sexual trauma. 


This work is also removing the veil of the unknown around death, enabling us to reconnect with our loved ones whom have passed over. Allowing you to see, speak with, touch, hug, and fully experience them in the immediate moment.  Bringing inner peace to situations otherwise thought impossible. This is an incredible experience and leaves no doubt as to whether there is life after death. Giving closure in a very intimate and personal way. Many deeply loved pets also frequently step in to visit, assist, and even journey with you.


We are also able to assist those that have died and whom were not carrying enough Life Force to fully cross over. We are unknowingly surrounded by many lost Souls. A few examples of how a discarnate Soul came to be can be a result of tragic or traumatic unexpected death, extreme terminal illness, and religious fears of going to hell. Hauntings, paranormal activity, and sites of mass murder (for example on a battle field) can also be assisted if you are energetically entangled or if it is negatively impacting your Earthly experience. 


Our galactic families are coming through very strong and clear. They are performing extensive healings, placing their loved ones in med beds, doing life and Soul reviews, reworking divine contracts, removing etheric implants and restoring ancient memory to name but a few things. They are also showing us where we are in the current timelines. Activating remembrance of knowledge and wisdom, and reminding us how important this time is for not only humanity but all conscious life. Re-establishing direct connection with the individual and their otherworldly families including providing a direct link into future life times and time lines. Gaia has always intended to be a planet with the capacity to house a very diverse intergalactic community, and that is exactly what she is doing. 


Quantum Hypnosis provides you the ability to access your own unique Soul skills, knowledge, and wisdom from other lifetimes, both past and future, and bring this information into this specific timeline. The possibilities are truly endless and the healing work is extensive. Each and every session is unique, no session will ever be the same.


I am continuously amazed at how graceful and loving the Higher Self is when bringing in such incredible healing experiences for the individual. The beauty, magnificence, magic, wonder and unconditional love that radiates out of my Quantum Hypnosis Healing work can only be experienced to be understood. 


As a client directly experiencing a hypnosis  session with me said, “I have done the work, explored many healing modalities and I am ready to go to the next level, I see your hypnosis work as the icing on the cake!” 


This is a game-changer, a leveling up and an unplugging from the artificial matrix.




$400 for a Quantum  Hypnosis Regression Session






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Pink Sand

6 Month Intensive Trio

Individual Guidance - Pranic Reiki - Quantum Hypnosis

"This is a unique offer for those who are really ready and wanting to dive deeply." 


For a 6 month intensive period you will receive on a monthly basis:


1 Quantum Hypnosis session, 2 Pranic Reiki sessions, and 4 hours of individual guidance each and every month.  


The first objective of the Quantum Hypnosis session is to heal and release the trauma, removing blockages and restoring Soul fractals.


The second objective of the Quantum Hypnosis work is to remove all entities, reptilian consciousnesses and transmute all AI technology, removing all that is not you.


The third objective of the Quantum Hypnosis work is to balance, harmonize and activate your DNA, chakras and energy bodies.


This is the returning to our natural, organic blueprint, fixed and upgraded. Restoring clarity of communication from our Higher Self/Soul. 


Over the many lifetimes and experiences your Soul has gathered tremendous information and wisdom. This is what is carried with your own personal Akashic Records. Once your body is clean and clear we will start going and retrieving the knowledge that is rightfully yours, bringing in the skills that will best serve you in this lifetime. This is a very beautiful and profound experience. The future is just as accessible as the past. 


Enjoying 2 Pranic Reiki sessions per month keeps your physical and energy bodies primed and functioning at optimum level/ frequency. This is a very sacred time and allows you to relax, remove the outside world and heighten your abilities within yourself and your Claire-senses


As we dive deeper, I provide an hour of guidance each week to help you process and expand upon what you are learning and experiencing in your everyday world. Providing the guidance and tools to help you innerstand all that you are experiencing. The rate at which you can have information coming in will increase and you will have rapid shifts and expansion in your consciousness. Having guidance with this process can greatly accelerate your progress and allow you to side step blocks that can keep you looping rather than moving forwards.


Accelerating your ability to see the obstacles, innerstanding them, and why they are there can greatly amplify your innerwork. Each week utilizing your daily experiences and questions that arise to learn from to better innerstand who you are and your innate abilities. Supporting you with a customized selection of tools to enable you to self observe, detach from emotional triggers, how to perceive the "bigger" picture and guidance when dealing with the people in your life who are still functioning on an unconscious level. Deep and detailed, personalized information for each stage of the process. 


This is only recommended for those who are ready to take the next leap in human consciousness and evolution. Mastering the self to be of service to all.




$5000 for the full 6 month program

This is the "game changer"






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A Puppy Playing with a Toy

Pranic Reiki For Animals

Horses - Dogs - Cats

We have been taught that animals are below us and not conscious because they do not speak nor behave the way humans do. This false belief system has limited human development drastically in infinite ways. Firstly, animals are of Source Creation and thus have a direct connection to Source Energy, knowledge and exist within Divine Laws of Nature. They are highly sensitive, intelligent and are here to play a very significant role in the awakening of humanity. Animals on our earth plane are no different from people in many ways. In fact, with the groundbreaking research being done through Quantum Hypnosis Healing sessions, we are discovering many of the people on earth here and now have in fact been these animals in past lives. Our Soul is infinite and so is the Soul of an animal. 


Animals that are our pets and the ones we interact with daily are Divine beings who have chosen to come to us at this time to hold space, assist us in healing and aid us in releasing our traumas in safe ways. They are angels and we have forgotten. An animal is NOT a tool, resource or object to be used and abused, to simply facilitate profit and power. The way in which we see and treat animals says enormous amounts about our psyche and mental development as a whole and individually. 


Anyone with common sense and basic logic is capable of seeing that our “pets” are continuously interacting with us, communicating with us, and are serving humankind in far greater ways than what they have ever received credit for. Many animals take on their humans' physical ailments and traumas to release the burdens we are negating ourselves. They are the most powerful example of pure unconditional love that we have. 


No different from human ancestral trauma, animals are also carrying ancestral trauma inflicted by us and have been for thousands of years. Most notably is the horse. Without the horse, we would and could not be where we are today. The horse has allowed humanity to evolve and expand by traveling vast distances to spread knowledge, goods, and explore our earth. We have forgotten so quickly the great sacrifice that the horse has made for humanity. For it has only been the last hundred years that we have had vehicles and planes, before that it was the horse who has carried us on their backs.

What we have done in the name of sport, power, status, and profit is nothing short of disgusting if you are willing to take an honest look into any of the animal based industries.


So, for the love and well being of your animal family members, I offer my services of Pranic Reiki to heal, release, re-align and remove what is burdening them. They are all magnificent beings and deserve to be treated as such. Our animal companions are taking on entities, and much negative energy; physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.  This is showing up as stress, pain, trauma, fear, anxiety, aggression, and other negative characteristics. 


Pranic Reiki is a powerful energy modality that animals in particular are very sensitive to. They are not limited or restricted by all of the thought programming and mental conditioning so they are clean, clear vessels to receive the higher vibrational energies. They openly show their immediate receptivity within minutes of beginning a session. 


My passion is to be able to assist the animals to release the negative energies, entities, pains, traumas and blockages that have been built up within their bodies. Opening the door for human and animal to have clearer communication and allow the beauty of the animal's light to shine forth. 


It is time to honor the animal kingdom and all of the gifts they provide for humanity daily. This is a beautiful way to give back to them in recognition of all they do and have sacrificed for us. Pranic Reiki is an excellent way to work through many “issues” that our animal family members are not able to verbally communicate. It is both a gift and a blessing. They express their gratitude freely and lovingly. 


It would be my honor to serve your animal family members. All types and breeds are welcome. 



$100 for the healing session plus travel time 





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Above the Clouds

Coming Soon...

Soul Re-Alignment through

Akashic Readings


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